Aylssa Cowell
Aylssa is a qualified Community & Youth Worker (Durham University, UK) and School Counsellor (University Southern Queensland, Australia). Over the past 20 years she has worked with countless young people in a variety of educational and community settings from Pupil Referral Units in Northern England to International Schools in Asia. No matter where the young people are, or what their economic or social situations, they all need adults who can help guide and safeguard them as they grow & try to figure things out. Aylssa is passionate about helping young people develop attitudes, skills and knowledge that will help them navigate adolescence, from developing healthy attitudes to sex and relationships through to developing coping strategies for mental health issues.
Aylssa has also trained 100s of professionals who work directly with young people; developing bespoke training courses for a number of schools and governmental agencies. She is also an accredited trainer through Nuco Training UK to deliver accredited First Aid for [Youth] Mental Health. Her training is always well evaluated by participants for her depth of subject knowledge, diversity of activities & use of humour.